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Cupcake Consulting:
Handheld Training
for Entrepreneurs & New Consultants

Proposals. Pricing. Negotiations.

Image by Cristina Matos-Albers

Better Than
a Piece of Cake

Cupcake Consulting Incorporated takes the guess work out of preparing your proposal, pricing your services, and negotiating contracts.


We provide you with trade secrets to get you started and keep your business going strong.


Your consulting business can be better than a piece of cake.

Now that's saying something!


Create the perfect proposal to make your services standout from the rest. 


Get step-by-step instructions and  templates.



Know your worth.

Whether you're designing training sessions, facilitating conversations or conducting a systems review, you need to be clear on what your time is worth. And so do your clients. 


What you're worth and what your client thinks you're worth can look like two entirely different things. 

Learn how to negotiate your time and fees to ensure you're properly compensated.

Great news!
Cupcake Consulting Incorporated is now on TikTok!
Check out my free training videos to get an idea of what you'll learn in the Cupcake Consulting Guide.
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